Struggling families and human services agencies received an unexpected blessing this holiday season from Hope Full Life Center in the form of “Blessing Bags. These bags were full of kitchen staples such as pasta and sauce, tuna fish, peanut butter, beans and other foods that offered a variety of flavors and nutrition. Agencies such as the Street Soldiers, Albany Teen Challenge, Senior Projects of Ravena and Albany homeless shelters received boxes full of rice, chicken and beef broth, tomato sauce and other ingredients needed to cook for large groups as part of the program. More than 50 families and agencies received Blessing Bags.
“We called them Blessing Bags, but we ended up packing the food in boxes because grocery bags couldn’t hold everything we gave to families and the agencies,” said Rebecca Flach, director of Hope Full Life Center.
Hope Full Life Center's food assistance program, Helping Harvest, is fortunate to have overstocks of food. The charity doesn't want the food to sit in its warehouse; it wants to get it to people who don't have enough to eat.
“The Blessing Bags helped the Center distribute food in a different way and get into the hands of people in our community who need it most,” Flach said.
Generous donors helped underwrite the program. Hope Full Life Center extends a sincere thanks to these people for helping us make the Blessing Bag program a reality.
Hope Full Life Center is a charity recognized by the IRS and donations are tax deductible. You can make secure donations right on our website via Paypal at HopeFullLifeCenter.org. You can also mail a check or stop into any of our programs. Your donations are used to buy food for Helping Harvest, which is our largest expense each year.