Ravena Coeymans Selkirk families struggling to feed their children now that school is out can get assistance through the FUN (Feed UR Neighbor) Program.
Families are invited to come once a week on Mondays to pick out free food between 6:30 and 7:30 pm. The program will start on Monday, July 1 and conclude Monday, August 26.

The program will take place at The Church of St. Patrick at 21 Main St, Ravena, NY 12143. Please use the North Clement Ave entrance. Please bring your own bags, if possible.
For more information contact Douglas Porter, Food Service Director, RCS Central School District at (518) 756-4508.
The FUN Summer Kids Program is a collaboration between the RCS Association of Churches, STARS Intergen and Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Central School District. Thank you to these organizations for assisting vulnerable families in the community.
For year-round assistance, struggling families are invited to shop for discounted groceries at Helping Harvest.