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Gear up to garden! FAQ’s about the Linda Civill Community Garden

Rebecca Flach

Child watering garden

The Linda Civill Community Garden is set to open Memorial Day weekend and we are in need of gardeners. Whether you’re a first-timer or have lots of experience with gardening, a community garden is a great place to make new friends, get some exercise, contribute to your community and, of course, take home some nutritious produce.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about the garden and how it operates:

Q. Where is the garden be located?

A. The garden is located in Faith Plaza, right next to the stockade fence across from the stores.

Q. How much does it cost to garden here?

A. Other than seeds and/or starter plants for your plot, it will cost you nothing to garden with us (except your time and perhaps a good pair of gardening gloves!). Depending on what you want to grow, we may even be able to provide seeds/plants. Generous supporters have provided most of the other essentials for a garden.

In return for your free bed, we ask that you help us maintain the beds that grow food for Helping Harvest, Hope Full Life Center’s food assistance program, by watering, weeding and harvesting produce.

Q. Do I get to keep all the produce I grow?

A. Yes! Everything that you grow in your bed is yours. If you have excess produce you would like to donate to our food assistance program, Helping Harvest, please notify a garden leader or drop it off at Gracefully Chic Boutique during business hours (Tues - Sat 10 -5).

Q. What kinds of tools, equipment and supplies are available at the garden?

A. A wheelbarrow, a variety of hand tools, work buckets for collecting weeds and watering supplies will be available.

Raised bed boxes are supplied along with soil and compost.

If you have extras of gardening equipment you are willing to donate, please let the garden leaders know. You are welcome to bring your own tools to work with although we encourage you to take everything home each day as we can’t be responsible for missing or broken equipment.

Q. How will I water the garden?

A. A supportive neighbor on Wendell Street allows us to use her water. We run hoses to the garden and there is a valve to turn it on and off.

In past seasons we have created a watering schedule. Each gardener volunteers to take a day or two to stop by and water all the beds. This has worked very well and decreases the burden of caring for the garden.

Q. What do I have to do to stay in good standing with the garden?

A. Take care of your bed and follow through on your volunteer obligations! Please check on your bed each week to weed, harvest produce and water. If you agree to help with a task, please complete it. Finally, please follow all Garden Guidelines found in the Welcome Kit.

Q. How are plot sizes determined?

A. Bed sizes are predetermined. Each raised bed is 4’ wide x 8’ long. If this is too large for your purposes, please ask a friend to join you or let the garden leaders know as they may have someone else who only wants a little space.

Q. How many beds can I get?

A. No more than two at this time.

Q. Is this an organic garden?

A. This is your choice for your bed. We will not, however, market the garden as strictly organic. Please be on the lookout for veggie and fruit loving insects like Squash Borers; garden advisers will help you treat plants safely and effectively.

Q. Who do I contact for gardening advice?

A. A list of other gardeners and their contact information will be circulated to all participants. Lean on them and the garden leaders for advice.

Q. How much time should I expect to spend at the garden?

A. You should plan on visiting your garden at least 2 times a week.

Q. What is Hope Full Life Center and STARS Intergen?

A. Hope Full Life Center helps the needy in our community and around the world through Helping Harvest, a food assistance program; Gracefully Chic Boutique, a gently used clothing shop; Peace of Home, which sells affordable furniture and home décor; and Cross Culture Market, an international economic development program that sells largely fair trade products to help poor, abused and forgotten people around the world ( All of these programs are located in Faith Plaza. Learn more about Hope Full Life Center at

STARS Intergen strives to enrich the lives of students and older adults through quality programs that benefit all participants and the community as a whole. Learn more about them at

We hope you’ll consider joining us for the 2017 season. If you have a garden of your own and still want to help, or you wish to lend a hand without the responsibility of a plot all your own, we’d be happy to put you to work! Other community groups are also welcome to participate.

Learn more about the Community Garden. Fill out an application.

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