This is a big week for the Center and Helping Harvest. Blessing Boxes will be distributed to families in need beginning Thursday, Dec. 19. The Blessing Boxes are filled with household cleaning supplies like toilet paper, paper towels, laundry detergent and dish soap. The boxes are also packed with popular food items like peanut butter, tuna fish, pasta and sauce. To make the boxes festive, our team adds hot cocoa and a brownie mix to each.

"It seems odd to give toilet paper as a holiday gift, but TP, paper towels and cleaning supplies cannot be purchased using SNAP benefits," said Rebecca Flach, executive director of Hope Full Life Center. "So families pay out of pocket for these goods. To get TP as a gift means a lot to a struggling family."
Our staff has been busy purchasing all the supplies to pack the Blessing Boxes. Next a team of volunteers will come sort all the supplies and pack the boxes. Finally, we'll begin handing them out to members.
The Blessing Box Project costs Hope Full Life Center $2,000 each year. We could use your support to help us offset this expense to the charity. A $30 donation helps us pack a box for a family. Donate here.
The Center sends a big thank you to TCI of NY LLC for its support of the Blessing Box Project in 2024!